題目會提供三個陣列: difficulty
、 profit
和 worker
- difficulty:工作的難度
- profit:工作的利潤
- worker:工人的能力(工人最多能完成的難度)
Example 1
Input: difficulty = [2,4,6,8,10], profit = [10,20,30,40,50], worker = [4,5,6,7]
Output: 100
Explanation: Workers are assigned jobs of difficulty [4,4,6,6] and they get a profit of [20,20,30,30] separately.
Example 2
Input: difficulty = [85,47,57], profit = [24,66,99], worker = [40,25,25]
Output: 0
n == difficulty.length
n == profit.length
m == worker.length
1 <= n, m <= 104
1 <= difficulty[i], profit[i], worker[i] <= 105
- 首先需要將工作按照難度進行排序,並且在排序後保留對應的利潤
- 在遍歷工人的時候需要跟蹤能完成的工作的最大利潤,以便快速查找
- 遍歷每個工人,找出他們能完成的最難的工作,並將該工作的利潤累加到總利潤中
difficulty: [10,5,7,13,20]
profit: [15,10,20,30,5]
worker: [8,2,3,7]
1.首先將 difficulty
和 profit
結合成一個二維陣列,然後按照 difficulty
const jobs = difficulty.map((diff, i) => [diff, profit[i]]).sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0])
// jobs = [[10, 15], [5, 10], [7, 20], [13, 30], [20, 5]]
// 難度由小至大排序 => [[5, 10], [7, 20], [10, 15], [13, 30], [20, 5]]
- 創建一個陣列
,用於記錄每個難度能夠獲得的最大利潤 - 遍歷排序後的
let maxProfitAtDifficulty = [] // 難度對應的最大利潤
let maxProfit = 0 // 當前最大的利潤
for (let i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
maxProfit = Math.max(maxProfit, jobs[i][1])
maxProfitAtDifficulty.push([jobs[i][0], maxProfit])
// jobs = [[5, 10], [7, 20], [10, 15], [13, 30], [20, 5]]
// maxProfit = 10, 20, 20, 30, 30
// maxProfitAtDifficulty = [[5, 10], [7, 20], [10, 20], [13, 30], [20, 30]]
- 遍歷每個工人,對於每個工人找到他們能完成的最大難度工作對應的利潤,並累加到總利潤中
- 可以用二元搜索法來找對應的最大利潤
- 例如,對於
worker = [8,2,3,7]
,通過二元搜索法,可以找到對應的最大利潤分別是20, 0, 0, 20
let totalProfit = 0 // 每個員工的最大利潤總和
// 找到 worker 能完成的最大難度工作, worker = [8,2,3,7]
for (let w of worker) {
// 雙指針(索引) left: 0, right: 4
let left = 0, right = maxProfitAtDifficulty.length - 1
// 二元搜索法
while (left <= right) {
let mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2)
// // maxProfitAtDifficulty = [[5, 10], [7, 20], [10, 20], [13, 30], [20, 30]]
if (maxProfitAtDifficulty[mid][0] <= w) {
left = mid + 1
} else {
right = mid - 1
// 加入對應的最大利潤
if (right >= 0) {
// worker = [8,2,3,7]
// (1) totalProfit += 20
// (2) right < 0 所以跳過
// (3) right < 0 所以跳過
// (4) totalProfit += 20
totalProfit += maxProfitAtDifficulty[right][1]
* @param {number[]} difficulty
* @param {number[]} profit
* @param {number[]} worker
* @return {number}
var maxProfitAssignment = function(difficulty, profit, worker) {
const jobs = difficulty.map((diff, i) => [diff, profit[i]]).sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0])
let maxProfitAtDifficulty = []
let maxProfit = 0
for (let i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
maxProfit = Math.max(maxProfit, jobs[i][1])
maxProfitAtDifficulty.push([jobs[i][0], maxProfit])
let totalProfit = 0;
for (let w of worker) {
let left = 0, right = maxProfitAtDifficulty.length - 1
while (left <= right) {
let mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2)
if (maxProfitAtDifficulty[mid][0] <= w) {
left = mid + 1
} else {
right = mid - 1
if (right >= 0) {
totalProfit += maxProfitAtDifficulty[right][1]
return totalProfit
![[LeetCode] 826. Most Profit Assigning Work (JS) 2 image 4](https://www.may-notes.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/image-4-1024x221.png)